Baby Chicks are coming May 2nd - Chick Days are here!
Good Morning,
We will be featuring the first of many chick days here at Conscious beginning May 2nd and this will coincide with our Pancake Palooza weekend event.
This is what is available . They will be sexed and allegedly all female pullets.
Breeds are :
Americaunas aka Easter Eggers
Barred Rock
Silver Laced Wyandottes.
$6.50 a chick. You must pick up on the 2nd , please bring a box to take them home in.
Good Morning,
We will be featuring the first of many chick days here at Conscious beginning May 2nd and this will coincide with our Pancake Palooza weekend event.
This is what is available . They will be sexed and allegedly all female pullets.
Breeds are :
Americaunas aka Easter Eggers
Barred Rock
Silver Laced Wyandottes.
$6.50 a chick. You must pick up on the 2nd , please bring a box to take them home in.
Good Morning,
We will be featuring the first of many chick days here at Conscious beginning May 2nd and this will coincide with our Pancake Palooza weekend event.
This is what is available . They will be sexed and allegedly all female pullets.
Breeds are :
Americaunas aka Easter Eggers
Barred Rock
Silver Laced Wyandottes.
$6.50 a chick. You must pick up on the 2nd , please bring a box to take them home in.